Car Air Conditioning & Heater Repair in Littleton

Dakota Ridge Auto, Littleton, Colorado, 80127

For car AC and heater repair,  Dakota Ridge Auto is your reliable repair shop is right here in Littleton Colorado, here are just a few of our AC and Heating system repairs that we provide.

  • Air Conditioning System Diagnosis, Recharge, And Repair
  • Condenser Replacement And Cleaning
  • Evaporator Replacement And Cleaning
  • AC Compressor Replacement Lines, Orifice Tubes,
  • Expansion Valve Replacement
  • Heater Cores
  • Heater Hoses
  • Blower Motor Replacement
  • Computerized AC Control Diagnosis And Repair
  • Onsite Refrigerant Recycling Program

In Colorado, car air conditioning and heating are essential due to the extremes of the Colorado seasons. Blazing hot summers with the temps hitting the high 90s can be unbearable. And in the dead of winter, we have a frigid cold. That means your car needs to blow cold or hot air year-round, on-demand. If not, it’s time to bring your car in for repairs.

Without getting into the nitty-gritty details of evaporation and condensation, or compression and expansion, let’s just say that car air conditioning and heater repair requires the latest equipment and technician expertise to dig in and identify what’s going on with your car AC or heater. At Dakota Ridge Auto, there’s no heating or cooling problem too big or too complex for us to fix.

To repair your car air conditioning or heater, we use computerized diagnostics to look into the entire system for leaks, damage, connection issues, as well as wear and tear. Once we diagnose the problem, we’ll talk you through everything and only make the necessary repairs once we have your approval.

And before you know it, your car will be out of the shop and ready to provide you with the AC and heat you need to be comfortable all year long.

AC is not working

If your car’s air conditioning or heater is on the fritz, let us provide you with a fast repair at fair and honest prices!